Samantha Kyle dead at 65; friend of Karen Smith — 1/21/2023DETROIT, MICHIGAN — Samantha Kyle, a friend of Karen Smith who reported to us that Karen was killed on her way to “Tell the truth” is dead…Jan 21, 2023Jan 21, 2023
Wayne County Election Clerk dead in Southfield Car Crash — 1/20/2023SOUTHFIELD, MICHIGAN — Karen Smith, a Wayne County Senior Election Clerk died in a horrible car crash this evening.Jan 21, 2023Jan 21, 2023
Michigan Secretary of State Announces Investigation into possible “Election Tampering” — 1/18/2023LANSING, MICHIGAN — “As the polls closed and the votes began to be counted, reports of electronic ballot box malfunctions started to flood…Jan 19, 2023Jan 19, 2023
How the RNC shot themselves in the foot.— CBS Red & Blue 12/20/2022WASHINGTON — The Republican National Committee voted to remove House Republican Leader Clarence Thomas from the party.Dec 20, 2022Dec 20, 2022
This Administration is collapsing, Bombshell DOD Report — CBS News, Liberty ReportCBS News Anchor Marcus Hanson released bombshell evidence from a whistle blower detailing how the Secretary of Defense withheld…Dec 13, 2022Dec 13, 2022
Our best chance for President — Elaine Walker. | CBS Red & Blue, OPINIONOver the past week, we’ve seen a lot of Presidential Candidates come and go. Robert Hawthorne, Ashcroft, Elaine Walker, Virgil Rickles…Dec 11, 2022Dec 11, 2022
House Republicans and their plan for America— OPINIONWASHINGTON, D.C. — House Minority Leader Clarence Thomas and the House Republican Conference released their policy agenda for the 115th…Sep 28, 2022Sep 28, 2022